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Use Bootstrap’s custom button styles for actions in forms, dialogs, and more with support for multiple sizes, states, and more.


Use any of the available button types to quickly create a styled button.

  <Btn type="primary">Primary</Btn>
  <Btn type="success">Success</Btn>
  <Btn type="info">Info</Btn>
  <Btn type="warning">Warning</Btn>
  <Btn type="danger">Danger</Btn>
  <Btn type="link">Link</Btn>

<script setup>
import { Btn } from 'uiv';

Buttons with href or to prop will render as link tag.

  <h4>Native links</h4>
  <Btn href="#">Default</Btn>
  <Btn href="#" type="primary">Primary</Btn>
  <h4>Vue Router links</h4>
  <Btn to="/">Default</Btn>
  <Btn to="/" type="primary">Primary</Btn>

<script setup>
import { Btn } from 'uiv';


Fancy larger or smaller buttons? Add size lg, sm, or xs for additional sizes.

    <Btn size="lg" type="primary">Large button</Btn>
    <Btn size="lg">Large button</Btn>
    <Btn type="primary">Default button</Btn>
    <Btn>Default button</Btn>
    <Btn size="sm" type="primary">Small button</Btn>
    <Btn size="sm">Small button</Btn>
    <Btn size="xs" type="primary">Extra small button</Btn>
    <Btn size="xs">Extra small button</Btn>

<script setup>
import { Btn } from 'uiv';

Create block level buttons—those that span the full width of a parent — by adding block.

  <Btn block size="lg" type="primary">Block level button</Btn>
  <Btn block size="lg">Block level button</Btn>

<script setup>
import { Btn } from 'uiv';

Active state

Add active to make buttons appear pressed (with a darker background, darker border, and inset shadow).

  <Btn active type="primary">Primary button</Btn>
  <Btn active>Button</Btn>
  <Btn active href="#" type="primary">Primary button</Btn>
  <Btn active to="/">Button</Btn>

<script setup>
import { Btn } from 'uiv';

Disabled state

Add disabled to make buttons unclickable.

  <Btn disabled type="primary">Primary button</Btn>
  <Btn disabled>Button</Btn>
  <Btn disabled href="#" type="primary">Primary button</Btn>
  <Btn disabled to="/">Button</Btn>

<script setup>
import { Btn } from 'uiv';

Checkbox / Radio

Add input-type to render <btn> as checkbox or radio input.


This needed to work with btn-group for correct styles.

Checkbox example

    <Btn v-model="model" input-type="checkbox" input-value="1">Checkbox 1</Btn>
    <Btn v-model="model" input-type="checkbox" input-value="2">Checkbox 2</Btn>
    <Btn v-model="model" input-type="checkbox" input-value="3">Checkbox 3</Btn>
    <Btn v-model="model" input-type="checkbox" input-value="4" disabled
      >Checkbox 4 (Disabled)</Btn
  <hr />
  <Alert>Selected: {{ model }}</Alert>
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { Btn, BtnGroup, Alert } from 'uiv';

const model = ref(['1']);

Radio example

    <Btn v-model="model" input-type="radio" input-value="1">Radio 1</Btn>
    <Btn v-model="model" input-type="radio" input-value="2">Radio 2</Btn>
    <Btn v-model="model" input-type="radio" input-value="3">Radio 3</Btn>
    <Btn v-model="model" input-type="radio" input-value="4" disabled
      >Radio 4 (Disabled)</Btn
  <hr />
  <Alert>Selected: {{ model }}</Alert>
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { Btn, BtnGroup, Alert } from 'uiv';

const model = ref('1');

API Reference



typeStringdefaultButton types in Bootstrap. Supported: default, primary, info, success, warning, danger, link.
native-typeStringbuttonNative button type. Supported: button, submit, reset.
sizeStringOptional button sizes. Supported: lg, sm, xs.
blockBooleanfalseApply block level style.
activeBooleanfalseApply active state.
disabledBooleanfalseApply disabled state.
hrefStringAn native link will be created if this prop present.
targetStringNative link prop.
toString or ObjectAn Vue-Router link will be created if this prop present.
replaceBooleanfalseVue-Router link prop.
appendBooleanfalseVue-Router link prop.
exactBooleanfalseVue-Router link prop.
input-typeStringUse this prop to turn btn to checkbox or radio input. Supported types: checkbox / radio
input-valueThe value of input.
v-modelThe model of input. Note that this prop is required if input-type present.
justifiedBooleanfalseDue to Bootstrap limitation, this prop is needed while using <btn> in <btn-group justified>. Otherwise it can be ignored.


defaultThe button body.


clickClick event of button / link.

Released under the MIT License.