Provide contextual feedback messages for typical user actions with the handful of available and flexible alert messages.
Wrap any text or HTML in <alert>
and use one of the four alert types (success
/ info
/ warning
/ danger
) for basic alert messages.
<Alert type="success"
><b>Well done!</b> You successfully read this important alert
<Alert type="info"
><b>Heads up!</b> This alert needs your attention, but it's not super
<Alert type="warning"
><b>Warning!</b> Better check yourself, you're not looking too good.</Alert
<Alert type="danger"
><b>Oh snap!</b> Change this and that and try again.</Alert
<script setup>
import { Alert } from 'uiv';
Use dismissible
to allow user to dismiss alerts.
<Alert v-if="show" type="warning" dismissible @dismissed="show = false">
<b>Warning!</b> Better check yourself, you're not looking too good.
v-for="(item, index) in alerts"
@dismissed="alerts.splice(index, 1)"
<b>Heads up!</b> This alert needs your attention, but it's not super
<hr />
<Btn type="primary" @click="addDismissibleAlert()">Add Dismissible Alert</Btn>
<script setup>
import { reactive, ref } from 'vue';
import { Alert, Btn } from 'uiv';
const show = ref(true);
const alerts = reactive([]);
function addDismissibleAlert() {
alerts.push({ key: new Date().getTime() });
Auto dismissing
Use duration
in milliseconds to auto dismiss alert. It can be used together with dismissible
v-for="(item, index) in alerts"
@dismissed="alerts.splice(index, 1)"
This alert <b>will dismiss after {{ duration }}ms</b>.
<hr />
<Btn type="primary" @click="addAutoDismissAlert()"
>Add Auto Dismiss Alert</Btn
<script setup>
import { reactive } from 'vue';
import { Alert, Btn } from 'uiv';
const alerts = reactive([]);
const duration = 2000;
function addAutoDismissAlert() {
alerts.push({ key: new Date().getTime() });
Use with collapse
<Btn type="primary" @click="show = !show">Toggle Collapsing Alert</Btn>
<hr />
<Collapse v-model="show">
<Alert type="warning" dismissible @dismissed="show = false"
>This alert <b>will collapse on open / close</b>.</Alert
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { Alert, Btn, Collapse } from 'uiv';
const show = ref(true);
API Reference
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
dismissible | Boolean | false | Show dismiss button in alert. | |
type | String | info | Alert type (success, info, warning, danger). | |
duration | Number | 0 | Dismiss after milliseconds, use 0 to prevent self-closing. |
Name | Description |
default | The alert body. |
Name | Params | Description |
dismissed | Fire after the alert dismissed. Note: you have to hide / destroy the alert using v-if / v-show / v-for manually due to child components can't change state of parent component. |